Promenade 7

The Great Idea-or the Forest and the Trees

The so-called "productive period" of my mathematical activity, which is to say the part that can be described by virtue of its properly vetted publications, covers the period from 1950 to 1979, that is to say 20 years. And, over a period of 25 years, between 1945 ( when I was 17), and 1969, (approaching my 42nd year), I devoted virtually all of my energy to research in mathematics. An exorbitant investment, I would agree. It was paid for through a long period of spiritual stagnation, by what one may call an burdensome oppression which I evoke more than once in the pages of Récoltes et Semailles. However, staying strictly within the limited field of purely intellectual activity, by virtue of the blossoming forth and maturation of a vision restricted to the world of mathematics alone, these were years of intense creativity

During this lengthy period of my life, the greater part of my energy was consecrated to what one might call "piece work": the scrupulous work of shaping, assembling, getting things to work, all that was essential for the construction of all the rooms of the houses, which some interior voice (a demon perhaps? ) exhorted me to build, the voice of a master craftsman whispering to me now and then depending on the way the work was advancing. Absorbed as I was by the tasks of my craft- brick-layer, stone-mason, carpenter, plumber, metal worker, wood worker - I rarely had the time to write down in black and white, save in sketching the barest outlines, the invisible master-plan that except , ( as it became abundantly clear later) to myself underlined everything, and which, over the course of days, months and years guided my hand with the certainty of a somnambulist.(*)

(*)The image of the "somnambulist" is inspired by the title of the remarkable book by Arthur Koestler , "The Sleepwalkers" (published in France by Calman Levy), subtitled, "A history of conceptions of the universe" from the origins of scientific thought up to Newton. An aspect of this history which particularly impressed Koestler was the extent to which, so often, the road leading from one point of out knowledge of the world to some other point, seemingly so close (and which appears in retrospect so logical), passes through the most bizarre detours almost to the point of appearing insane; and how, all the same, through these thousand-fold detours in which one appears to be forever lost, and with the certainty of "Sleepwalkers", those persons devoted to the search for the "keys" to the Universe fall upon, as if in spite of themselves and without always being aware of it, other "keys" which they did not anticipate, yet which prove in the long run to be the correct ones

On the basis of what I've been able to see around me at the level of mathematical discovery, these incredible detours of the roads of discovery are characteristic of certain great investigators only. This may be due to the fact that over the last two or three centuries the natural sciences, and mathematics even more so, have gradually liberated themselves from all the religious and metaphysical assumptions of their culture and time. which served as particularly severe brakes on the universal development, ( for better or worse) of a scientific understanding of the universe. It is true, all the same, that some of the most basic and fundamental notions in mathematics (such as spatial translation, the group, the number zero, the techniques of calculus, the designation of coordinates for a point in space, the notion of a set, of a topology, without even going into negative and complex numbers), required millennia for their emergence and acceptance. These may be considered so many eloquent signs of that inherent "block", implanted in the human psyche, against the conceptualization of totally new ideas, even when these ideas possess an almost infantile simplicity, and which one would think would be obvious based on the available evidence, over generations, not to say millennia ....

To return to my own work, I've the impression that the "hand waving" ( perhaps more numerous than those of my colleagues), has been largely over matters of detail. usually quickly rectified by my own careful attention. These might be called simple "accidents of the road" of a purely local character without any serious effects on the validity of the underlying intuitions of the specific situation. On the other hand, at the level of ideas and large-scale intuitions, I feel that my work stands the test of time, as incredible as that may seem. It is this certainty without hesitation of having grasped at every instant, if not exactly the ends to which my thought leads, ( which often enough lie hidden), but at least the most fertile directions which ought to be explored that will lead directly to that which is most essential. It is this quality of "certitude" which has brought to my mind Koestler's image of the "sleepwalker"

It must be said that all of this piecework to which I've devoted such loving attention, was never in the least disagreeable. Furthermore, the modes of mathematical expression promoted and practiced by my mentors gave pre-eminence ( to say the least!) to the purely technical aspect of the work, looking askance at any "digressions" that would appear to distract one from his narrow "motivations", that is to say, those which might have risked bringing out of the fogs some inspiring image or vision but which, because it could not be embodied right away into tangible forms of wood, stone or cement, where treated more appropriate to the stuff of dreams rather than the work of the conscientious or dedicated artisan.

In terms of its quantity, my work during these productive years found its concrete expression in more than 12,000 published pages in the form of articles, monographs or seminars(*)

(*)Starting with the 60's a portion of these publications were written in collaboration with colleagues ( primarily J. Dieudonné) and students.
, and by hundreds, if not thousands of original concepts which have become part of the common patrimony of mathematics, even to the very names which I gave them when they were propounded.(**)
(**)The most significant of these ideas have been outlined in the Thematic Outline ( Esquisse Thématique), and in the Historical Commentary that accompanies it, included in Volume 4 of the Mathematical Reflections. Some of their labels had been suggested to me by students or friends, such as the term "smooth morphism"(morphisme lisse) ( J. Dieudonné) or the combine "site, stack, sheaf,connection" (?"site,champ,gerbe,lien") developed in the thesis of Jean Giraud.
In the history of mathematics I believe myself to be the person who has introduced the greatest number of new ideas into our science , and at the same time, the one who has therefore been led to invent the greatest number of terms to express these ideas accurately, and in as suggestive a manner as possible.

These purely "quantitative" indicators give no more, admittedly, than a crude overview of my work, to the total neglect of those things which gave it life, soul and vigor. As I've written above, the best thing I've brought to mathematics has been in terms of original viewpoints which I've first intuited,then patiently unearthed and developed bit by bit. Like the notions I've mentioned, these original viewpoints, which introduced into a great multiplicity of distinct situations, are themselves almost without limit.

However, some viewpoints are more extensive than others, which along have the capacity to encapsulate a multitude of other partial viewpoints, in a multitude of different particular instances. Such viewpoints may be characterized as "Great Ideas". By virtue of their fecundity, an idea of this kind give birth to a teeming swarm of progeny, of ideas inheriting its fertility, which , for the most part,(if not all of them) do not have as extensive a scope as the mother-concept.

When it comes to presenting a "Great Ideas", to "speak it", one is faced with, almost always, a problem as delicate as its very conception and slow gestation in the person who has conceived it - or, to be more precise, that the sum total laborious work of gestation and formation isthe "expression" of the idea: that work which consists of patiently bringing it to light, day after day, from the mists that surround its birth, to attain, little by little, some tangible form, in a picture that is progressively enriched, confirmed and refined over the course of weeks, months and years. Merely to name the idea in terms of some striking formulation, or by fairly technical key words, may end up being a matter of a few lines, or may extend to several pages. Yet it is very rare to find anyone who, without knowing it in advance, is able to "hear" this "name", or recognize its face. Then, when the idea has attained to its full maturity, one may be able to express it in a hundred or so pages to the full satisfaction of the worker in whom it had its birth . Yet it may also be the case that even a thousand pages, extensively reworked and thought over, will not suffice to capture it.(*)

(*)When I left the world of mathematics in 1970, the totality of my publications ( many of which were collaborations)on the central theme of schemas came to something like ten thousand pages. This, however, constitutes only a modest portion of a gigantic programme that I envisaged about schemas. This programme was abandoned sine die with my departure, and that despite the fact that , apart from minor and inconsequential matters, everything that had already been developed and published was available to everyone, and had entered into the common heritage of notions and results normally deemed to be "well known."

That piece of my programme on the theme of schemas, their prolongations and their ramifications, that I'd completed at the time of my departure, represents all by itself the greatest work on the foundations of mathematics ever done in the whole history of mathematics(Italics added by the translator so that there should be no misunderstanding of who is speaking), and undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements in the whole history of Science.

And, in one case as in the other, among those who, in order to make it their own, have become acquainted with the work involved in bringing the idea to its full presentation, like a great forest that has miraculously sprung up in a desert- I would dare to bet that there are many among them who will, seeing all these healthy and vigorous trees, be inspired to avail themselves of them ( whether for climbing, to fabricate planks and pillars, or to feed the fires in their hearths....) Yet there are few indeed who ever get to see the forest...

8. "The Vision-or 12 themes for a harmonization"

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