Fermat's Last Theorem

Conference to Celebrate the proof of Andrew J. Wiles<
and other topices in Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory

August 9th-18th,1995
Boston University, Boston MA

Roy Lisker

In July of 1995, an Internet newspaper located in Cambridge, MA, calling itself the Tangled Web, began publishing some of the issues of the newsletter "Ferment".

It went out of business a few years later; however it has a way of re-surfacing from time to time: put "Tangled Web", "Fermat's Last Theorem", or my name in the Search Engines.

That August I was assigned to cover a conference at BU which was to be a celebration of the final confirmation of the corrected form of Andrew Wiles proof' of Fermat's Last Theorem, easily the most famous unsolved problem in the whole history of mathematics.

The price of "Fermat's Last Theorem" is $10.

Send check, cash or money order to:

Roy Lisker
8 Liberty Street#306
Middletown,CT 06457

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