
Memoir 1938-1997

Roy Lisker


This 80 page memoir was written as a commission for the Gale Biography series, to which I'd been warmly recommended by the great champion of poets and poetry, Jack Foley of Oakland, CA.

After the memoir was written and submitted, I was informed by one of the editors at Gale that, since the class of libraries with my books on their shelves has measure zero, Gale intended to renege on the sum of $1000 promised on completion of my part of the contract.

Support letter from Howard Zinn

Letters of protest from influential persons, several of whom are lucky enough to have their books prominently displayed on library shelves, led to negotiations which resulted in my receiving a "kill fee" of $800. This was very important at the time, as I was moving into the apartment which I've held ever since, and needed several months rent up front. The memoir does not appear in the Gale Biography series. One generally has fame, or money, or (in most cases) , neither. It is very rare indeed that one knows both money and fame together.

Since then the Memoir has been augmented, edited and enriched with many photo images and other visual artifacts.

The price of the Roy Lisker Memoir, including postage and handling, is $25

Send check, cash or money order to:

Roy Lisker
8 Liberty Street#306
Middletown,CT 06457

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