5 Matrix Poems

Lightning Crashes Around Thunder-Echoing Skies

A poem with 5 matrix variations

The "matrix poem", which I claim as my own invention, is a verse form, more visual than oral, that works in 3 directions: left-to-right, vertical and diagonal.

The bars of color in these images indicate the ways in which the vertical and diagonal phrases are to be read. The poems may also be read via the standard scanning from top to bottom, left to right.

Vertical and horizontal phrases are sometimes scanned in the forward direction, sometimes in the reverse. As words, syllables and even individual letters are required to work in 3 directions, it isn't always possible to supply the punctuation, which is easily done by the attentive reader.

Likewise , a particular spelling may work in one direction, while being simply the sound of the corresponding syllablein the others.

(See also the listings in the Catalogue at 11Matrix Poems, and Lightning).Other poetry books of Ferment Press are listed in the Catalogue

Lightning Crashes around Thunder-Echoing Skies

5 Matrix Variations

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