Hamlet Bibliography

The Corpse In The Bedroom

Topics in Shakespeare's "Hamlet"


  1. Hamlet William Shakespeare ; Editor, William Farnham; Penguin Books 1970

  2. Hamlet William Shakespeare ; Forward by Joseph Papp ;Bantam Books 1988

  3. Hamlet William Shakespeare; Editor, David Bevington; Bantam 1988

  4. The Riverside Shakespeare Evans , Levin , Baker , Barton, Kermode,etc.; Houghton Mifflin 1974

  5. Action Is Eloquence David Bevington; Harvard University Press 1984

  6. 20th Century Interpretations Of Hamlet T.S.Eliot, Granville-Barker, C.S. Lewis, etc. Editor, David Bevington; Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1968

  7. Hamblet, Belleforest Bradocke translation of 1608 ; Bantam "Hamlet"[3] ; Editor, Bevington

  8. Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy 1587-1642 Fredson Thayer Bowers ; Peter Smith, (Gloucester, MA.) 1959

  9. Hamlet as Minister and Scourge Fredson Thayer Bowers ; PMLA LXX(1955) 740-749

  10. Hamlet : The Acting of Revenge Peter Mercer; U Iowa Press 1987

  11. The Renaissance Hamlet Roland M. Frye; Princeton UP 1984

  12. The Hamlet of Shakespeare's Audience John W. Draper Octagon Books 1970

  13. Gordon Craig's Moscow Hamlet Laurence Senelick; Greenwood Press 1982

  14. Scourge and Minister : A Study of Hamlet G. R. Elliott ; Duke UP 1951

  15. Hamlet- The Prince or the Poem C.S. Lewis; Proceedings of the British Academy xxxviii, 1942

  16. The Elizabeth World Picture E.M.W. Tillyard; Vintage 1962

  17. Shakespeare's Problem Plays E.M.W. Tillyard; U Toronto 1949

  18. Hamlet and Oedipus Ernest Jones; (a) W.W. Norton 1976 ; (b) Doubleday Anchor 1949

  19. Form and Meaning in Drama : A Study of the Greek Plays and of Hamlet; H.D.F. Kitto; Methuen & Co Ltd 1956

  20. On Hamlet Salvador de Madariaga; Barnes & Noble 1964

  21. Place Structure and Time Structure Harley Granville-Barker; from "Prefaces to Shakespeare, Hamlet" Princeton University Press 1965

  22. What Happened In Hamlet Dover Wilson ; Cambridge UP 1967

  23. Saxo Grammaticus and the Life of Hamlet A Translation, History and Commentary; William F. Hansen University of Nebraska Press 1983

  24. Saxo Grammaticus , the Hamlet Saga in "The Sources of Hamlet"; Israel Gollancz ; Octagon Books 1967

  25. Five Elizabeth Tragedies: intro. A.K. McIlwraith; Oxford UP 1963

  26. The Revenger's Tragedy attributed to Cyril Tourneur ; Editor, Lawrence Ross U Nebraska Press 1966

  27. English Drama, 1580-1642 Eds.,C.F. Tucker Brooke , N. B. Paradise; D.C. Heath & Co., 1933

  28. Henry Irving, Shakespearean Alan Hughes; Cambridge UP 1981

  29. The Hamlet of Edwin Booth Charles W. Shattuck U Illinois Press 1969

  30. Richard Burton in Hamlet

  31. Stage Directions John Gielgud ; Random House 1963

  32. John Gielgud directs Richard Sterne in Hamlet Richard Sterne ; Random House 1967

  33. A Life of Shakespeare Hesketh Pearson; Walker & Co. 1961

  34. Shakespeare on the Stage Robert Speaight; Little, Brown & Co. 1973

  35. Who's Who and What's What in Shakespeare Evangeline M. O'Connor; Avenel Books 1887 , Reprinted 1978

  36. The Elizabethan World Lacey Baldwin Smith; Houghon Mifflin 1967

  37. Elizabeth I: The Shrewdness of Virtue Jasper Ridley; Viking 1987

  38. The Elizabethan Renaissance A.L. Rowse; Scribner's 1971

  39. Francis Bacon, The Temper of a Man Catherine Drinker Bowen; Atlantic Monthly Press Book 1963

  40. The Advancement of Learning Francis Bacon; Clarendon Press 1920

  41. Essays and New Atlantis Francis Bacon ; Walter J. Black, Inc. 1942

  42. The Life and Times of Henry VIII Robert Lacey ; Praeger 1974

  43. Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History Lytton Strachey; Harcourt Brace & Jovanovich 1956

  44. Wars of the Roses Desmond Seward; Viking 1995

  45. An Actor Prepares Constantine Stanislavski , trans. E. Hapgood ; Theatre Arts 1939

  46. The Seagull Anton Checkov ; Constance Garnett translation ; in "Sixteen Famous European Plays"; Garden City Publ. Co., Inc. 1943

  47. The Golden Bough James Frazer ; Macmillan 1963

  48. Oedipus the King Sophocles; R.C. Jebb translation; in "7 Famous Greek Plays"; Gates and O'Neill, Jr.; Random House 1938, 1950

  49. Lupercal : "Things Present"; Ted Hughes; Faber & Faber 1980

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