Schools and Universities At Home And Abroad

1954 To The Present

My itinerary through the universities of Greater Europe has been as thorough and colorful as that of any Wandering Scholar of the Middle Ages. I have been blessed with the opportunity to play many roles in these descendants of the Scholia: faculty brat, prodigy, Wunderkind, drop-out, perpetual student, teacher, fellow, guest lecturer, persona non grata, gadfly and harmless drudge . My fervent hope is that this process of mutual enrichment will continue.

  • Princeton, Town and University

    A single afternoon in 1982 recaptures 25 years of history:

  • Eugenio Hostos Community College

    Nepotism and Corruption in mathematics education:
    Bronx ,NY 1982 Carnival in the Classroom

  • Colorado University

    Boulder, Colorado
    Experimenting with the
    7th International Congress of Math-Physicists
    August 1-10 , 1982

  • Boulder 1992
    Political Activism at the Novelists of the Americas Conference, CU Boulder September 1992
  • UC Berkeley 1985-87
    A sensational exposé of life as a paper-marker in mathematics and physics

    A dehumanized interest story.This unique account of guerrilla war within the scientific establishment, its many disasters and evanescent triumphs, could only have been written by someone who was there and lived through it!

    UC Berkeley 85-87(.docx)

    The Sorbonne
  • Conversations with René Thom, the inventor of Catastrophe Theory.
    June, 1986

  • Middletown Adult Education

    Decisive action stays the hand of the F.B.I
    Creeping Fascism Halted!

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