Psychology Folder
Life and Life Energy
Identity, Emotion and the Unconscious
(1) Life and Life Energy (Abridged)
December 11,2015. My intention in publishing an abridged version of 6 of the chapters of "Life and Life Energy" is to make available to scientific, and other intellectual communities, the research I’ve done, beginning in the summer of 1959 as an outsider at Harvard, of ways to open communication and establish links between the great achievements of the scientific tradition, based on the power of the intellect, of the West, with its origins in the Enlightenment of the Socratic century (5th century BCE) , and the great achievements of the Oriental traditions, based on mindfulness, with their origins in the Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha in the same period.
In this book, the hypothesis of a living energy is related to the cycles of material or physical energy (Inertia, Mechanics, Thermal), to highlight (perhaps only by analogy, but also in some deeper scientific sense), the contrasts between mental health and disease. One does not have to subscribe to this notion to appreciate the many insights scattered throughout the book and this abridgement. One way or another, they provide (so I maintain) a starting-point for the reunion of the sciences of medicine, physics, psychology and philosophy of East and West.
(2)Life and Life Energy
Identity, Emotion and the Unconscious
October 6,2012:Chapters 1,2,3 of Life and Life-Energy have been extensively revised, edited and updated.These files may be opened in .htm,.doc,.docx and.pdf formats:
Chapter 1:Introduction
Chapter 1(htm)
Chapter 2:The Unconscious and Mental Illness
Chapter 2(htm)
Chapter 3:Energy: Determinism versus Freedom
Chapter 3(htm)
Chapter 4 (revised January 26, 2013):Energy Cycles and Emotional States
A new chapter 5 was uploaded on February 5,2013:Local and Global Linkages of Emotional Interaction
Chapter 5 (docx)
A new chapter 6 was uploaded on February 22,2013:Psychology of Aesthetic Appreciation
Chapter 6 (docx)
Chapter 7 (March 25,2013):The Phases of Transformation of Being
Chapter 7 (docx)
Chapter 8:Work in Progress(May 12 2013):Charts and Diagrams
Chapter 8(docx)
Appendix: The Rebirth Mechanism, a summing up
NEW!!October 15,2012
2 plays by Sophocles:
Oedipus Tyrannus and Antigone
Along with analyses of the scripts of each play, the author develops his own interpretations of the psychological metaphors contained in them .These interpretations are very different from Freud's, which he frankly considers absurd.
Love and Cosmology: The Mythological Cosmos of Romantic Relationships
A Beautiful Mind: Glamorizing John Nash: Genius, Madness and Horse Manure
Freud and his incestuous progeny:
A Freudian analyst analyzes a patient whose primary neurotic syndrome is his belief in the ideas of Sigmund Freud:
"Doctor I need help!"
A brief history of psychiatry, 1600-1900:Shrinking Expectations
A polemic overview of 20th century psychiatry:Malicious Malpractice
Editorial, August 21, 2008:
The shambles of European psychology
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